What a feeling in my soul... Love burns brighter than Sunshine

Friday, January 21, 2011

What a Fabulous Morning!

This morning Amanda and I met at the jobsite at the normal time, but instead of doing a run, or bust training, we walked up to starbucks, treated ourselves to a latte and walked our normal 3 mile loop.

It actually ended up being 3.2 miles since we walked all the way to the entrance of the Hilton (they were having a huge tented event that we were really curious about.)

Anyways, it was such a nice start to the day.  We just power-walked, and chatted, oh and of course we stopped to take a picture along Sea Port Village:

Have I mentioned how much I love having Amanda as a friend! What fun we will have and how fit we will be by the time this project ends in 2013!!!!

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